The Best of ESICM Conference 2024

ECCCP Egypt Ricard Ferrer Critical care medicine The Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians (ECCCP) will host on 24 October , 2024 Professor Ricardo Ferrer , Head of the Intensive Care Department at Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, Spain . He is also Past President of the Spanish Society of Intensive Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) 

Dr Ferrer will present a lecture highlighting the best lectures prersented at ESICM Conference 2024 this year.

The scientific program of the meeting will include egyptian faculty who will present interesting cases in the ICU.

Egyptian faculty includes: 

  • Professor Akram Fayed, Alexandria University
  • Professor Adel Al Ansary, Ain Shams University
  • Professor Akram Abdel Bary, Cairo University