Testimonials from ITEXCAIRO 2019 Participants

Mostafa Kamal Textiles digital kemet-itexITEX CAIRO 2019 was an outstanding event that encouraged participants and companies to know about textile digital printing and its advantages

Mostafa Kamal , Kemet Corporation, Roland  Digital Group- Japan.”

“From the perspective of “fashion start-up brand”, the technologies presented in this particular event along with differentiation of expertise showed up, has opened my mind on a whole different stage in creativity and possibilities. Since we “as designers” have been looking for this kind of technical events locally to meet our business expectations in the region”.

Walaa Salem, Fashion- Apparel Designer

Textile-Digital-Printing-Moataz-Medhat-egypt.“ITEX has been a great opportunity for those willing to enter in to the digital fabrics printing world or even willing to explore a wider range of applications and the know how. Its the Egyptian knowledge platform for Textile Digital Printing”

Moataz Medhat, MAK Printing Solutions- Agent for HP 
Dr-Hany-Kafafy-ITEX-Textiles-Egypt“The event was very helpful in covering most of the related topics for digital textile printing scientifically and technically”

Dr Hany Kafafy, National Research Center, Giza

Mosharfa textile digital printing”ITEX CAIRO was a needed event. As Agents for Dupont Artisiri Digital Inks, the event has added value to us by introducing the different stakeholders in the Egyptian market to each other.”

Aly Mosharafa, Deputy Commercial Manager EDTCO