Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation Course Highlights

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Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation Course

Attended by 40 participants, Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation course provided state of the art lectures and hands on skill stations covering Mechanical Ventilation.

The course guest faculty was Dr Lluis Blanch, Consultant Intensive care Medicine and past president of the Spanish Society for Intensive care Medicine. Several national faculty contributed as well to the course including; Dr Hesham Azazzy, Dr Magdy Lotfy, and Dr Mohamed Koreish.

The course received accreditation from Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians (ECCCP) as well as the Spanish Society of Intensive care Medicine.





Skill Stations at Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation Course

Skill Stations at Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation Course, 14-15 November, 2015

mechanical-ventilation-egypt-course venti-cairoParticipants of Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation course will have the opportunity to learn from the course faculty through hands on demonstrations at the course skill stations session.


Participants of the course will be able at the end of this session to:

  • Recognize the cause of respiratory failure.
  • Asses the need for mechanical ventilation.
  • Describe the characteristics of different modes of mechanical ventilation.
  • Outline ventilator settings and monitoring needs for the initiation of mechanical ventilation.
  • Describe interactions between ventilator parameters and modifications needed to avoid harmful effects of mechanical ventilation.
  • Review the guidelines for initial ventilator management that apply to specific clinical situations.







Program of Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation Course

Program of Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation Course

mechanical-ventilation-egypt-course venti-cairoVenti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation course offers two days of up to date knowledge on mechanical ventilation as well skill stations covering hands on training.



Saturday 14 November, 2015

  • 09:45 -10:00: Introduction and Course Overview
  • 10:00 -10:30: Basic Principals of Mechanical Ventilation
  • 10:30 -11:00: Assisted Volume Controlled Ventilation, L Blanch
  • 11:00 -11:30: Assisted Pressure Controlled Ventilation, L Blanch

          11:30- 12:30 Break

Sunday 15 November, 2015

  • 09:30-10:00 : Proportional Modes: PAV/NAVA/ASV, M Koreish
  • 10:00-10:30 : Understanding Lung Mechanics, M Elgindy
  • 10:30-11:00 : Asynchronies during Mechanical Ventilation, L Blanch
  • 11:30-12:00 : Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation, M Elgindy

12:00-13:00 Break

  • 13:00-13:30 : Sedation, Delirium and Mechanical Ventilation, H Azazy
  • 13:30-14:00 : Capnography in Mechanical Ventilation, L Blanch
  • 14:00-15:30 : Problem-Based Learning Discussions (PBLD’s)
  • 15:30-17:30 : Skill Stations (B)

 [Knowledge Resources from Pulmonary Medicine Update Website]

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Dr Lluis Blanch to participate in Venti Cairo & Pulmonary Medicine Update Conference 2016

Lluis Blanch Faculty Pulmonary Medicine Update Course EgyptDr Lluis Blanch to participate in Venti Cairo & Pulmonary Medicine Update Conference 2016

Dr Lluis Blanch will be the featured speaker at Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation Course scheduled in November 2015 as well as Pulmonary Medicine Update Conference in February 2016.

Dr. Blanch is Critical Care Consultant, Corporacio Sanitaria Parc Tauli and CIBERes, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He attained his Ph.D. degree with honors in 1992 and was awarded with a Ph.D. Special Distinction Degree Prize in 1994.

Dr. Blanch’s research interests involve research on acute lung and brain injury and innovation projects on on-line monitoring of critically ill patients.

Dr Blanch has participated previously in several events in Egypt such as Pulmonary Medicine Update Course, Pulmonary Critical Care Egypt Conference and the Egyptian Critical Care Summit 2015

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Plan to Participate in Venti Cairo Course

mechanical-ventilation-egypt-course venti-cairo

Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation Course 


Plan to participate in Venti Cairo Mechanical Ventilation course scheduled on 14-15 November, 2015

The course features Dr Lluis Blanch, past president of  the Spanish Society of Intensive Care medicine as the course guest faculty. Dr Blanch has been guest faculty of Pulmonary Medicine Update course since 2008 .

The course program features who will provide the latest updates in Mechanical Ventilation knowledge and practice.

The course is endorsed by the Spanish ICU Society 







