Scribe to organize the Second Egyptian Italian Critical Care Symposium

Scribe to organize the Second Egyptian Italian Critical Care Symposium

The Second Egyptian Italian Critical care Symposium will be organized by the Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians ( ECCCP)  and will take place on the 29 th of December , 2022 at the Learning Resource Center, Kasr Al Ainy, Cairo University.

The symposium will feature the following faculty who will deliver state of the art lectures in Critical Care Medicine.

Featured Faculty 

Regional Ventilation/ Perfusion ratio and VILI

Professor Antonio Pesenti

Professor of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Milan, Italy.

Mechanical Ventilation in Obesity

Professor Lorenzo Berra

Reginald Jenney Associate Professor of Anesthesia Harvard Medical School, USA

Precision Medicine in ARDS

Maurizio Cereda, MD

Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine, MGH, Harvard Medical School , USA Precision Medicine in ARDS

The symposium is preceded by Essentials of Mechanical Ventilation Course ” Venti Cairo “scheduled on 23 and 24 December , 2022 at LRC , Kasr Al Ainy