ECCCP to organize The Egyptian Respiratory Care Summit

ECCCP to organize the Egyptian Respiratory Care Summit

The Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians (ECCCP) will organize with Scribe the inaugural edition of the Egyptian Respiratory Care Summit scheduled on 6 Janauary 2025 at Cairo, Egypt.

Arzu-Ari-Egypt-Respiratory-CareThe summit will host Dr Arzu Aru, Associate Dean for Research at Texas State University as the summit featured guest faculty. Dr. Ari’s primary area of research is aerosol medicine which is closely tied to current practices of the delivery of inhaled drugs and the performance of aerosol devices to optimize drug delivery not only in spontaneously breathing adults, pediatrics, and neonates but also critically ill patients receiving ventilator support. 

The topics of the summit are : 

  1. Principles of aerosol drug delivery in acute respiratory failure
  2. Non Ivvasive Ventilation for Sleep Apnea 
  3. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in adults
  4. Guidelines on the management of adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia.
  5. Novel tools for mechanical ventilation weaning