Dr Jose Nicolas guest faculty of Pulmonary Medicine Update 2016 conference

Dr Nicolas Pulmonary Medicine Egypt ICUPulmonary Medicine Update 2016 conference will host Dr Nicolas as the conference guest speaker.

Professor Jose Maria Nicolas is chief of the Intensive Care section at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Spain. He has visited Egypt as guest faculty of e-ICU Egypt conference in December 2015.

With interests in Informatics, Design, and Simulation Education in the ICU,  Dr Nicolas has spent several years in research and planning at his facility to provide a futuristic, patient- and staff friendly ICU environment.

Dr Nicolas will present 3 lectures at Pulmonary Medicine Update Conference:

  • ICU of Tomorrow: More Intelligent
  • Experiences with Critically ill Patients having Hematological and Systemic Diseases
  • How Simulation Education will advance your ICU team Clinical Skills and Collaboration?

Pulmonary Medicine Egypt conference
