The Best of ESICM Conference 2024

The Best of ESICM Conference 2024

ECCCP Egypt Ricard Ferrer Critical care medicine The Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians (ECCCP) will host on 24 October , 2024 Professor Ricardo Ferrer , Head of the Intensive Care Department at Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, Spain . He is also Past President of the Spanish Society of Intensive Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC) 

Dr Ferrer will present a lecture highlighting the best lectures prersented at ESICM Conference 2024 this year.

The scientific program of the meeting will include Egyptian faculty who will present interesting cases in the ICU.

Egyptian faculty includes: 

  • Professor Akram Fayed, Alexandria University
  • Professor Adel Al Ansary, Ain Shams University
  • Professor Akram Abdel Bary, Cairo University

ECCCP to organize The Egyptian Respiratory Care Summit

ECCCP to organize the Egyptian Respiratory Care Summit

Respiratory-Care-EgyptThe Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians (ECCCP) will organize with Scribe the inaugural edition of the Egyptian Respiratory Care Summit scheduled on 2nd of Janauary 2025 at Cairo, Egypt.

Arzu-Ari-Egypt-Respiratory-CareThe summit will host Dr Arzu Aru, Associate Dean for Research at Texas State University as the summit featured guest faculty. Dr. Ari’s primary area of research is aerosol medicine which is closely tied to current practices of the delivery of inhaled drugs and the performance of aerosol devices to optimize drug delivery not only in spontaneously breathing adults, pediatrics, and neonates but also critically ill patients receiving ventilator support. 

The topics of the summit are : 

  1. Aerosol Drug Delivery in Acute Respiratory Failure: How to Do It and Why?
  2. Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) for ICU patients
  3. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in adults
  4. Pulmonary Hypertension 
  5. Novel tools for mechanical ventilation weaning
  6. The Best of AARC Conference 2024
  7. The impact of information Technology integration in healthcare with a focus on respiratory disorders

Dr Ari has lectured previously in the Chronic Respiratory Diseases and COVID-19 Symposium organized by the Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians in 2011.

The Summit is an all women faculty conference . For this a special virtual art exhibition is organized which includes art works made by Egyptian artists.

The Egyptian Spanish Critical Care Symposium

The Egyptian Spanish Critical Care Symposium

Egyptian-Spanish-Critical-care-SymposiumThe Egyptian Spanish Critical Care Symposium was organized by the Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians in collaboration with the Spanish Intensive Care Society ( SEMICYUC), The symposium toolk place on 11 May 2023 at the Learning Resource Center, Kasr Al Ainy , Cairo University .

The symposium featured the following Spanish Speakers who delivered the following lectures 

Lluis-Blanch-critical-care-spain-egypt.Innovation, Big data and Artificial intelligence in Critical Care [ View Lecture]

Dr Lluís Blanch, Parc Tauli University Hospital, Associate Professor of Medicine at Universitat de Barcelona, Spain


Dr Sipmann Spain Critical CareOptimizing Mechanical Ventilation in ARDS: Lessons learned from the Pandemic

[Veiw Lecture]

Dr Fernando Suárez Sipmann, Critical Care Medicine Department, Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Madrid, Spain.

Ricard-Ferrer-Spain-Critical-care-EgyptSepsis. What’s next? [View Lecture]

Dr Ricard Ferrer, Head of the Intensive Care Department at Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, Spain.  Past President of the Spanish Society of Intensive Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC)


Lectures of the Second Egyptian Italian Critical Care Symposium


The second Egyptian Italian Critical care Symposium took place on 29 December , 2022 at the Learning Resource Center , Kasr Al Ainy , Cairo University .

The symposium was organized by the Egyptian College of Critical Care PhysiciansECCCP) in continuation of the Egyptian Italian  Critical Care series organized in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Opera Aida last year.

Then followed by presentations from Italian faculty as follows:

Regional Ventilation/ Perfusion ratio and VILI

Professor Antonio Pesenti

Professor of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Milan, Italy.


Mechanical Ventilation in Obesity

Professor Lorenzo Berra, Harvard Medical School, USA



Scribe to organize the Second Egyptian Italian Critical Care Symposium

Scribe to organize the Second Egyptian Italian Critical Care Symposium

The Second Egyptian Italian Critical care Symposium will be organized by the Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians ( ECCCP)  and will take place on the 29 th of December , 2022 at the Learning Resource Center, Kasr Al Ainy, Cairo University.

The symposium will feature the following faculty who will deliver state of the art lectures in Critical Care Medicine.

Featured Faculty 

Regional Ventilation/ Perfusion ratio and VILI

Professor Antonio Pesenti

Professor of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Milan, Italy.

Mechanical Ventilation in Obesity

Professor Lorenzo Berra

Reginald Jenney Associate Professor of Anesthesia Harvard Medical School, USA

Precision Medicine in ARDS

Maurizio Cereda, MD

Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine, MGH, Harvard Medical School , USA Precision Medicine in ARDS

The symposium is preceded by Essentials of Mechanical Ventilation Course ” Venti Cairo “scheduled on 23 and 24 December , 2022 at LRC , Kasr Al Ainy 

Great Success for the Egyptian Critical Care Summit 2022

Great Success for the Egyptian Critical Care Summit 2022

Attended by almost 350 delegates, the Egyptian Critical Care Summit 2022 organized by the Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians highlighted recent advances in critical care medicine.

The summit was organized in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the inauguration of the Critical care Center, Cairo University in March 1982 by its founder Dr Sherif Mokhtar, Professor of Cardiology & Critical care Medicine, Cairo University.

The summit featured mini courses as well as an extensive an exhibition featuring the latest technologies and equipment in critical care medicine.

The summit hosted as well an art exhibition along the conference.



Highlights from the Egyptian Italian Symposium on Critical Care Medicine

Highlights from the Egyptian Italian Symposium on Critical Care Medicine

Themed : Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Egyptian Italian Symposium on Critical care Medicine was held on 16 December, 2021 at the Grand Nile Tower Hotel at Cairo, Egypt.

The symposium was organized by the Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians ( ECCCP) and was presided by Professor Sherif Mokhtar.

The symposium hosted the following Italian guest faculty:

Prof. Massimo Loda, Chair of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and Pathologist-in-chief at Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, USA

The role of clinical pathologist in the COVID- 19 pandemic

Prof. Paolo Pelosi, Chief Professor in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Head of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Unit at IRCCS San Martino-IST , Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy

Prof. Luca Bigatello, Professor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, TSUM Tufts Medical Center and St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center-Brighton, Massachusetts, USA.

Lectures delivered are: 

  • The role of Clinical Pathologists in the COVID- 19 PandemicDr Massimo  Loda
  • COVID-19 Pneumonia is not a traditional ARDSDr Paolo Pelosi
  • Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation and High- flow Nasal O2 in COVID- 19 Pneumonia, Dr Luca Bigatello


Related lectures from Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine Working Group events:

  • Non Invasive Respiratory Support for Patients with COVID-19, Dr Dean Hess
  • High Respiratory Drive in Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure, Dr Lluis Blanch
  • Quantative Imaging to measure Lung Injury Severity in ARDS and COVID-19, Dr Maurizio Cereda 
  • Mechanical Ventilation before and during COVID- 19 epidemy, Dr Esteban
  • PoCUS in COVID from the Emergency Department to the ICU, Dr Cian McDermott and Dr Catherine Nix 
  • ECMO for COVID ARDS, Dr Jacob Gutsche
  • Safe and effective delivery of aerosolized medications in the era of COVID-19, Dr Arzu Ari 


Scribe to organize the Egyptian Critical Care Summit 2022

Scribe to organize the Egyptian Critical Care Summit 2022

Critical-Care-Summit-Conference-Egypt-2022In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Critical Center of Cairo University, the Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians ( ECCCP) is organizing the the Egyptian Critical Care Summit 2022 conference featuring the latest updates in critical care medicine.

The summit is scheduled from 29 till 31 March , 2022 and will take place at the Grand Nile Tower, Cairo, Egypt.

The summit will be proceeded by several mini courses on the 28th of March , 2022 at the Learning Resource Center, Kasr Al Ainy.


The Egyptian Italian Symposium on Critical Care Medicine

Egyptian Italiian Symposium on Critical Care Medicine Egypt

The Egyptian Italian Symposium on Critical Care Medicine

Scribe is proud to organize the Egyptian Italian Symposium on Critical care Medicine which is scheduled on 16 December as a virtual event.

Themed: Lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic, the symposium will host eminent Italian speakers including ; Dr Paolo Pelosi , Dr Luca Bigatello, Dr Massimo Loda and Dr Federico Pappalardo 

The symposium is endorsed by the Egyptian College of Critical Care Physicians in celebration  of the 150th anniversary of the premiering of opera AIDA at the Egyptian Opera in 1871.